A Short Primer on Corporate Government
It is always difficult to decide where to begin. There are many ideas about politics, government, law and many other topics that circulate on the Internet. In addition, there are notions that there are small groups of powerful individuals who control the masses via occult means.
I suppose I will begin there. There is nothing more disempowering and dehumanizing that believing that one is subject to the conspiratorial rule of a small Elite. It is also demonstrably false. I will use Canada as my example, but it is much the same in every other Western state.
“Employment in the public sector accounts for 20% of employed Canadians.” (Statistics Canada, 11-402-X.)
This one-in-five minority is what constitutes the Corporate State. Nominally, you have what is called a “franchise” or “vote” that, theoretically, enables you to control these individuals, but, pragmatically, that is false. There is no capacity for the electorate to superintend the one-in-five that, de facto, constitute the Corporate Government.
I suppose that here we might have one little explanation of what is meant by “corporate state.” Here we have a brief digression on property law.
Thus, we see that there are “two sorts” of persons capable of purchase (this means acquiring property), viz. “persons natural created of God” and “persons incorporate or politique created by the policy of man.” This is where we really run into a problem: who gets to decide which “persons incorporate” exist? Even if we don’t really believe in God, we might alter Edward Coke to say “persons natural evolved in nature.” It is fairly straightforward who is a natural person: they are the members of our species, men and women.
So, we determine who is a natural person by a scientific process: we determine if they are the same sort of biological creature we are, and, if they are, they are a natural person. The same cannot be said of corporations.
Let us create a fictional universe populated by six natural persons: Alice, Bob, Eve, Ted, Carol and Steve. For simplicity, we can denote a group of these individuals by first letters: Alice, Bob and Eve may be denmoted ABE. Every one of these persons recognizes themselves and the other persons as natural persons. But let us say that ABTC wish to create a “body politic” called “The Government.” It is less clear why ES need to recognize this body politic.
Returning to the one-in-five situation, these people have decided to call themselves “The Government.” It is not, they say, that they have decided, as individuals, to perform certain actions; they are not individuals doing their own wills, which happen to be uniform: they are doing the will of a body politic called “the Government.” But why should anyone be required to believe this? Denying it is not akin to denying that someone is a natural person, or that a tree is made of wood, or that two and two make four.
And because a corporation is capable of holding property, when its members act upon the individuals who are outside of the corporation (except for, maybe, the right to vote), they are often indemnified by the corporation. This is especially true of what the Corporate Government calls “police.” In many cases police cannot be sued individually, or there is a statutory standard that is more difficult to meet for various civil actions, for example, “gross negligence.” All you can do is sue the corporation, which is like suing yourself and your neighbors, because these corporations fund themselves through taxation.
As I said, it is difficult to tell where to begin, but remember: you’re better off focusing on your neighbor who works as a police officer; your neighbor who works indoctrinating children in a “public school”; your neighbor who is a “justice of the peace” and so on and so forth rather than focusing on Elite Conspiracies: even if they exist, at the end of the day, if ol’ Billy Gates is giving people marching orders (somehow), the people who implement them have names and addresses in your neighborhood: they’re the ones who are implementing the global corporate surveillance state: without them, figures like Bill Gates would have no power. Elite conspiracy theories are a distraction: if our situation is untenable, it is untenable because of the one-in-five (or whatever the ratio) who constitute the Corporate Government.